Source code for zigzi

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""zigzi, Platform independent binary instrumentation module.

Copyright (c) 2016-2017 hanbum park <>

All rights reserved.

For detailed copyright information see the file COPYING in the root of the
distribution archive.


import argparse
from PEInstrument import *
from PEAnalyzeTool import *
from PEManager import *
from keystone import *
from DataSegment import *
from SampleReturnVerifier import *
from WindowAPIHelper import *

code_rva = 0

[docs]def simple_return_address_save_function(): global code_rva allocation = pe_instrument.falloc(0x1000) code = ("push eax;push ebx;" # save register "mov eax, [{0}];" # get shadow stack counter "inc eax;" # increase shadow stack counter "" # get return address from stack "mov [{0}], eax;" # save return address "pop ebx;pop eax;" # restore register "ret;" # return ).format(allocation.get_va() + 4) code_rva = pe_instrument.append_code(code) code_abs_va = pe_manager.get_abs_va_from_rva(code_rva) allocation[0:4] = code_abs_va # TODO : need a way for does not calculate the relocation address directly. pe_manager.register_rva_to_relocation(code_rva + 1 + 1) pe_manager.register_rva_to_relocation(code_rva + 7 + 1)
[docs]def simple_indirect_branch_counting_function_call_instrument(instruction): global code_rva code_zero_rva = code_rva - 0x1000 instruction_zero_rva = instruction.address # 5 mean instrumented code size. code = "CALL {:d}".format(code_zero_rva - instruction_zero_rva + 5) hex_code = binascii.hexlify(code).decode('hex') try: # Initialize engine in X86-32bit mode ks = Ks(KS_ARCH_X86, KS_MODE_32) encoding, count = ks.asm(hex_code) return encoding, count except KsError as ex: print("ERROR: %s" % ex) return None, 0
[docs]def simple_indirect_branch_counting_function_instrument(): global code_rva allocation = pe_instrument.falloc(0x1000) code = ("push eax;" "mov eax, [{0}];" "inc eax;" "mov [{0}], eax;" "pop eax;" "ret;").format(allocation.get_va() + 4) code_rva = pe_instrument.append_code(code) code_abs_va = pe_manager.get_abs_va_from_rva(code_rva) allocation[0:4] = code_abs_va # TODO : need a way for does not calculate the relocation address directly. pe_manager.register_rva_to_relocation(code_rva + 1 + 1) pe_manager.register_rva_to_relocation(code_rva + 7 + 1)
[docs]def do_indirect_branch_counting(): simple_indirect_branch_counting_function_instrument() pe_instrument.register_pre_indirect_branch( simple_indirect_branch_counting_function_call_instrument )
[docs]def do_return_address_verifier(pe_instrument, pe_manager, fn_rva): simple_instrument_error_handler(pe_instrument, pe_manager, fn_rva) pe_instrument.register_after_relative_branch( simple_instrument_return_address_at_after_branch ) pe_instrument.register_after_indirect_branch( simple_instrument_return_address_at_after_branch ) pe_instrument.register_pre_return( simple_instrument_return_address_verifier_at_pre_return ) pe_instrument.do_instrument()
if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser("zigzi") parser.add_argument("file", help="filename include its absolute path.", type=str) args = parser.parse_args() filename = args.file if not os.path.isfile(filename): parser.print_help() exit() pe_manager = PEManager(filename) # add api window_api_helper = WindowAPIHelper(pe_manager) message_box_fn_rva = window_api_helper.add_message_box() # set new instrumentation pe_instrument = PEInstrument(pe_manager) do_return_address_verifier(pe_instrument, pe_manager, message_box_fn_rva) # do_indirect_branch_counting() # TODO : change to avoid duplicate processing. # do not double adjustment for file, it break file layout. # pe_manager.adjust_file_layout() output_filename = filename[:-4] + "_after_test.exe" pe_manager.writefile(output_filename) pe_instrument._save_instruction_log() # C:\work\python\zigzi\tests\simple_echo_server.exe